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The Generation Myth: Why When You're Born Matters Less Than You Think

Bobby Duffy

What The Reviewers Say


Based on 4 reviews

The Generation Myth: Why When You're Born Matters Less Than You Think

Bobby Duffy

Tom Standage,
The New York Times Book Review
The title gives the impression that [Duffy] wants to dynamite the whole idea of dividing people into generations. In fact, he offers a careful dissection of such 'generational thinking' that rejects lazy myths and superficial punditry in favor of a more nuanced analysis of the factors that shape long-term changes in attitudes and behavior.
David Willetts,
Financial Times (UK)
Duffy...disentangles three influences shaping our attitudes.
James Chappel,
New Republic
How different, really, are the generations? Does it make sense to understand our political future through the lens of generational war? Bobby Duffy asks these questions, and his answers are worth listening to.
Publishers Weekly