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Based on 4 reviews

The Aristocracy of Talent: How Meritocracy Made the Modern World

Adrian Wooldridge

What The Reviewers Say


Based on 4 reviews

The Aristocracy of Talent: How Meritocracy Made the Modern World

Adrian Wooldridge

Leslie Lenkowsky,
The Wall Street Journal
Although Mr. Wooldridge...makes a strong case for the practical and moral value of meritocracy (while acknowledging its flaws), he doesn’t fully confront what might be its most disturbing challenge today: doubts about just what 'merit' is or whether it even exists.
Dominic Lawson,
The Sunday Times (UK)
... The Tyranny of Merit...declares it unfair that so many of the rewards in life have gone to those fortunate enough to have been born with superior intelligence. Wooldridge’s work is a welcome retort to this argument; or at least I agree with his point that intelligence alone (the 'lucky genes', as some have it) is never enough to produce extreme success, especially not in commercial life, where the big money is to be made. Wooldridge rightly stresses the importance of hard work.
Mark Damazer,
New Statesman (UK)
But what is Wooldridge’s recipe for meritocratic reform? He is not easy to pin down. His last chapter is a slalom, veering at moments towards the positively eccentric...and then drifting leftwards.
John Lloyd,
Financial Times (UK)
The Aristocracy of Talent is finely constructed: fluent insights include the importance of Plato’s distrust of democracy, on the grounds that it tended to lead to tyranny, and his insistence on the need for a leadership of experts.