What The Reviewers Say


Based on 7 reviews

On Trails

Robert Moor

What The Reviewers Say


Based on 7 reviews

On Trails

Robert Moor

Kate Tuttle,
The Boston Globe
Part natural history, part scientific inquiry, but most of all a deeply thoughtful human meditation on how we walk through life, Moor’s book is enchanting..
Dennis Drabelle,
The Washington Post
...let me assure you that Moor mixes these and other ingredients into a highly satisfying whole, neatly avoiding the pitfall of pretentiousness. On Trails is an engaging blend of travelogue, sociology, history and philosophy that might be summed up as a meditation on the centrality of trails to animal and human life..
Peter Lewis,
The Barnes & Noble Review
Moor is a boots-on-the-ground empiricist of trails. No armchair explorer, he has hoofed the Appalachian Trail.
Irene Wanner,
The Seattle Times
...his quest to unravel a deceptively simple question is both fun and intriguing, an exploration filled with both learning and missteps, like any journey.
The Economist
Mr Moor’s narrative is grounded by his passion for the story of the Appalachian Trail.
Gretchen Lida,
The Chicago Review of Books
Moor’s book is a hiking trail itself, wandering from place to place, stopping like a good trail guide to explain the nuances and ecologies of each place he visits.
Thomas Urquhart,
The Portland Press Herald
...a wonderfully rich and human book. It is a trail all on its own, marked by the procession of internal contemplation and idea-spinning that a long solitary walk in the woods can produce. Moor is interested in everything, with a knack for communicating that curiosity to the reader, and he has lined up a chorus line of experts that are as one-of-a-kind as their various specialties.