What The Reviewers Say


Based on 4 reviews

The Most Likely Club

Elyssa Friedland

What The Reviewers Say


Based on 4 reviews

The Most Likely Club

Elyssa Friedland

Eliz­a­beth Slot­nick,
Jewish Book Council
... an homage to female friend­ships — the ones often tak­en for grant­ed but most need­ed dur­ing tough times. The ban­ter amongst these friends will make you want to text the best friend you haven’t spo­ken to in weeks, just to remind them that you’re think­ing of them. While all of the women bring diverse back­grounds and iden­ti­ties (includ­ing Melissa’s Jew­ish her­itage), they all reach a com­mon con­sen­sus: being a woman is hard. It’s easy to catch glimpses of one­self in any of them.
Sarah Stiefvater,
Pure Wow
Friedland adeptly captures the conflicting feelings of excitement and dread one feels ahead of a reunion, as well as the weird in-betweenness of early middle age. Though frequently light and funny (the ‘90s references come fast and furious), the book doesn’t shy away from heavier themes.
LynnDee Wathen,
Funny, heartwarming, and relatable, The Most Likely Club proves to be another success for Friedland..
Publishers Weekly
... delightful.