Lorraine Berry,
The Star Tribune
Evison's Small World features some of the standard elements of a disaster plot.
TaraShea Nesbit,
The New York Times Book Review
Evison’s characters are distinctive and the plot is well paced. Depictions of the sibling ache between the separated twins Nora and Finn Bergen (Walter’s ancestors), the survivor’s guilt of Wu and the longing Jenny has for a connection to her parents are deeply felt.
Charles Arrowsmith,
The Washington Post
Its short chapters and sheer eventfulness keep the story chugging along, while its (somewhat mechanistic) plotting creates enough suspense to hold the attention. It’s broad-brush, well-intentioned stuff, with an ethnically diverse cast of characters offering, through close third-person narration, wry, sometimes caustic commentary on the nature of American opportunity.
Eileen Zimmerman Nicol,
The train trip is a splendid device to link them, and as the snow gathers and the train steams north, each flashback chapter further endears the characters to our hearts. Don’t worry, the chapters are headed by the year and the character’s name, so it’s easy to keep track of them all. Jonathan Evison displays a great talent for bringing a character to life with only a few words...From the frenzy of the California gold rush to the grand Chicago homes of the railroad investors, the places in this book come to life.
Bill Kelly,
Evison has published a string of superb novels...so it is thrilling to see the talent, ambition, and execution coalesce in this masterpiece.
Thane Tierney,
Publishers Weekly
Ambitious if overlong.